Experience of existence and life as we think we know it
The intersection between spirituality and human experience
Let me welcome you with the most beautful quote from the Course in Miracles:
“May we all know ourselves as the Universe created us. May we all know life as we were meant to live it. May we all love purely, deeply and totally. May humanity discover its divinity, and may we all dwell in the peace of the Universe.”

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Personal Growth
The articles about personal growth are circling around the invitation into this life, in all of its days and moments, both beautiful and heart-breaking. We grow in moments of discomfort, not when hiding within the warmth of our comfort zone. In many ways growth is uncomfortable, yet we must always be in movement towards improvement, because to grow is to live.

Spiritual Journey
This may be the most beautiful description of it all (from the book “A Course in Miracles”): May we all know ourselves as the Universe created us. May we all know life as we were meant to live it. May we all love purely, deeply and totally. May humanity discover its divinity, and may we all dwell in the peace of the Universe.” May we all discover the divine within us.

Law of Attraction
One of my favorite topics to write about (and to talk about) is the Law of Attraction, followed by the Science of Deliberate Creation, and the Art of Allowing (as described by Esther and Jerry Hicks). It’s one thing to read about these laws and understand them in theory, and quite another when they keep showing up in your experience, time after time.
Welcome to the blog
Spiritual take on the human experience
Behind the words
Hi, I’m Kaisa!
I’m a sensitive, adventurous introvert (INFJ/HSP/HSS) and a Projector (3/5) with a love of writing. I particularly love the topic of personal growth, interlinked with practical spirituality and how it helps me to makes sense of this human existence. My writing helps me to understand this experience better, and I want to share it with you in order for us to be connected – as we are.