Always ask for what you want – not what you think you need

If I would look at my life purely from the outside, I would assume a person like this is incredibly wealthy.
I’m living on a small tropical island, close enough to the ocean to hear the waves when I lay in bed. My surroundings are gorgeous, the garden is maintained daily and our room is cleaned. On my day off the breakfast comes to my doorstep, usually fresh mango juice and freshly brewed coffee with fruits. I have plenty of time during the day to do what I want, I can lay in the sun or write my little stories.
Years back, I though having a lifestyle like mine today would require endless streams of cash, winning a lottery or inheriting rich relatives. But the fact is, I’m not wealthy – in monetary sense. But I do live an incredibly abundant life, and it doesn’t cost me anything.
The other day the Universe could not have shown this to me more clearly. It said: Don’t be wasting your time on asking for things you think you need. Instead, get to the point and ask for what you want.
Dream differently
Usually we go about our dreams with a logic that goes something like this: study hard, work hard, try to earn enough money to be able to afford the things you dream about, because those things you dream about will make you happy. Whether this is exotic holidays, a big house or a new car. But money is not the only currency on this planet.
Of course I don’t receive all of the things I mentioned for free. I work for them, they are part of a deal I have made, a deal where I live and eat and dive and sunbathe for free, while taking care of a small resort with my partner. I earn only 25% of what I used to earn, and yet I save up more now. How is this possible?
Because instead of having to pay for rent, commute, food, gym membership and all the monthly expenses I used to have, I get these for free now. I don’t need to earn more, I just do things differently.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear
This is also a good example of the amusing sense of humor of the Universe.
I have been wanting to do another yoga teacher training. Foolishly I have been wishing for a bit more money so I could fly somewhere cool (like India) to participate on a 2-5 week training. The only options I could think were more money, or a free training. But the Universe knew a third option.
Instead, the Universe sent an incredibly gifted teacher to me. Before coming to me (and after leaving me) teaches only private classes for the rich and famous. People who have the means to fly her in 1st class across the globe, get her an apartment and pay her salary for just one hour a day of teaching. To become their private yoga teacher for years. Yet here I am, in the middle of my island home, receiving her incredible teachings for free. Because I needed a yoga teacher and she wanted to give back.
Silly me. I should have asked for what I really wanted – to learn more with a teacher.
Ask for what you want
That’s just the thing. In our limited understanding of the bigger picture we may only think of few options on how we can reach our destination, or how we can gain the things we want to have. But the mighty Universe has infinite ways to deliver us the things that we need.
Recently I added one sticky note on my journal cover, which says: STOP TRYING TO FIGURE IT ALL OUT. This is to remind me that some things are best left for the Universe, all we need to do is to sit back and watch.
So if you wish for more money so that you can buy a house in Amsterdam along the canals, because you always wanted to live in Amsterdam, think again. Instead, ask simply to live in a canal house in Amsterdam. You don’t need to wish for money, and you don’t need to wish for owning anything.
There are plenty of other ways for you to get to where you want to be.
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Hi, I'm Kaisa
I’m a INFJ/HSP/HSS chasing joy, sensations, experiences, emotions, contradictions, LIFE. I’m here to share my experience of existence with you in the hopes that we feel connected at heart and strengthened by our shared experience.
“May we all know ourselves as the Universe created us. May we all know life as we were meant to live it. May we all love purely, deeply and totally. May humanity discover its divinity, and may we all dwell in the peace of the Universe” – A Course in Miracles